Trending Watchlist
Vaughn Wiesner
Currently the watchlists are based on conventional categories. What if BFT could create a Trending watchlist (see attached) that is based on the RTD data for local, global & overall trend (column for each, see attached) with the ability to filter out markets on trading and instruments with or low or weak trends. This data is already available and just needs to be displayed in a smart way to help traders identify the strongest trending instruments at their finder tips without having to go find the instrument through all the market categories. This will help traders focus on, trade and not miss out on only the instruments that are trending the strongest.
David Graham
Great idea +1 all day !
Martin Lukáč
Vaughn Wiesner
Martin Lukáč: Awesome!!
Asger Emborg
We can do something like this yes.
Vaughn Wiesner
Asger Emborg: Sounds good thanks Asger. I think such a feature would add significant value to members and BFT. Keep up the great work!